Someone slides into the parking spot you had your eye on. A coworker takes credit for your work. Your spouse runs up $200 on the credit card without discussing it first. These are things that are apt to make you angry.And that’s okay.Anger is a natural response to many life events. Like other … [Read more...]
Respectful Ways to End a Contentious Conversation
One thing we all have in common is that we don’t always agree with one another. Over time we’ve come to accept that there are times when we must respectfully disagree with someone and move forward. Unfortunately, it’s become increasingly difficult to agree to disagree in today’s divided … [Read more...]
Is My Anger Normal, Or Should I Seek Help?
Life wouldn’t be life without those little irritants that push our buttons. And when our buttons get pushed, it’s completely natural to feel angry. In fact, anger is a normal emotion that can facilitate better communication and positive change when expressed appropriately.But for some people, … [Read more...]
Stepping Back from the Edge: How to Deal with Anger in the Moment
Anger is a natural and healthy emotion that everyone feels from time to time. But when you find yourself being caught off guard with unexpected anger or feeling anger at a time when you can’t express it, it can be difficult to cope with.So, what can you do when you find yourself feeling anger … [Read more...]